Himanshu dhingia Apps

Civil sutra premium 3.6
The site personnel spend lot of their time,effort and energy in searching various data, details even for theroutine jobs. And sometimes it is very frustrating to do the manualcalculation on site. But this time your efforts and energy could beeasily saved if all the normally required information is availableto you. Civil Sutra is the tool that will matchup with all yourneeds. Civil Sutra is specially designed for the site engineers,site supervisor, contractors and Architects to provide vital andhelpful information. Civil Sutra designed to facilitate thecalculation and designing work .Civil Sutra contains standardtables and formulas that will make your work effortless.If you are an engineer you probably already know sometimes how hardit is to do the manual calculation on site and searching forvarious data and details. Maybe sometimes you think there must be abetter way to solving the routine problems that make my work easy,effortless and less painful. If you think so, the Civil Sutra isexact solution for you that you have been looking for a very longtime. With Civil Sutra you can do tedious task just in few clicks.Civil sutra premium is a fully unlocked versions of civilsutra
Civil sutra classic 1.1
Civil sutra classic is the app for civilengineers , but anyone can use this app who wants to createFormulas (save for later use ) civil sutra classic will solve themfor you whenever you need . civil sutra classic is still in theinitial phase so there is lot more cool feature to come please waitfor the updates . Civil Sutra Classic gives you the ability tocreate your own formula and it will solve for you. So you can havethe flexibility and choice.
CivilSutra SS 1.0
Save your time with civil sutra SS . CivilSutra SS contains basic Steel Structures formulas ,that could helpyou to quickly calculate .* working stress* yield stress* wind pressure* diameter of rivet* value of rivet* Number of rivet
CS Unit Converter 2.0
CS Unit Converter is a easy to use unitconverter . Easily converter any unit to any other unit
Compass 1.0
It is not possible to keep the compass withyou all the time . Compass could be a very useful device when needto determine geographic direction. Now you could make your phonework as compass .
Bubble Level 1.0
Use your phone as bubble level or spirit levelwith cs bubble level.
Civil Sutra FM 1.0
Save your time with civil sutra FM . CivilSutra FM contains basic Fluid Mechanics formulas ,that could helpyou to quickly calculate .* Density*Specific Weight*Specific Volume*Specific Gravity*Kinematic Viscosity*Pressure
Tip Calculator 1.0
Quickly and easily calculate tip and splittip
GPS Tape 1.0
GPS Tape Measure the straight line distancefrom point A to point B. Simple and easy to use. Just click thebutton at Point A and then go to Point B to see the distancebetween. It helps you measure to find our approximate area of bigland .*** NOTE ***GPS receiver needs a clear path to a GPSsatellite. This means that GPS receivers are unlikely to workindoors, and may even have problems outside in areas where the skyis not visible (such as dense forests). Additionally, becausemultiple GPS satellites are needed to produce locationinformation.Objects that obstruct a GPS signal may cause the signal to berefl ected before it reaches the GPS receiver.GPS signals that are refl ected off of objectshave a different path from the GPS satellite to the GPS receiverand cause the distance calculation to be erroneous. These types oferrors are called multipath errors and can cause the location toappear to jump from one place to another. This is often seen inurban areas where GPS signals frequently bounce off of tallbuildings.*Not for indoor use.*Not for measuring small distances.*Not for measuring a curved path.*GPS is only accurate to within several meters. Even under idealconditions, an error of 5 meters is common.
Renz 1.0.1
Renz is a zombies hunting adventuregame.
Tic-tac-toe 1.1
Tic-tac-toe (or Noughts and crosses, Xs andOs) is a paper-and-pencil game for two players, X and O, who taketurns marking the spaces in a 3×3 grid. The player who succeeds inplacing three respective marks in a horizontal, vertical, ordiagonal row wins the game.
Zom shooter 1.2
You are in the maze with zombies , you needtofind your way out from the maze while killing zombies andsearchingfor keys,guns and ammo.
NoteBook 1.0
use NoteBook and keep note of yourwonderfulides and more .